Book Launches Simplified: An Overview

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Duration 51 m 45 s


$ 47 Buy now
Book Launches Simplified: An Overview

About Course

A book launch has so many moving parts that it can be hard to keep it all straight. But having an overview of the process will put everything in context as you focus on the details of your launch. 

In this 50-minute video, I walk you through many of the components of a successful book launch, without getting too deep into the weeds on any of them.

If you want more details about specific aspects of a launch, we encourage you to enroll in our full course, Book Launches Simplified. You can find it at A coupon code worth $100 is available to students of the Book Launches Simplified: An Overview course.

Course content

videoOverview of a Book Launch50 m 46 s Start
videoBONUS: Mindmap Start
videoCOUPON: Book Launches Simplified Course Start
videoSHORT-TERM OFFER: 2022 Publish with Purpose virtual summit59 s Start
Emerald Lake Books

Emerald Lake Books

Course Instructor

Emerald Lake Books is committed to being the hybrid publisher authors can trust. So we provide as many educational resources as possible, not just for authors who choose to publish with us, but for any author who wants to ensure that their book is the best it can be!

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